Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Vocabulary notebook -Unit-6
Love – dream of a snake, and you’ll find your soul mate; sweeps over an unmarried women’s feet with a broom, she’ll never get married; give a boyfriend or girlfriend a pair of shoes, he or she will leave you.
Money – leave your purse on the floor, your money will disappear; pick up any coins you find, you’ll soon come into money.
Bad luck – see a crow in the morning, you will have a bad day; bride wears pearls, she will cry all her married life.
Good luck – find a tea leaf floating upright; wish will come true if you stand between two people with the same name; put clothes on inside out, you will get a nice surprise.

  1. Finding a ladybug is very goodluck and is a sign of good fortune coming your way.
  2. If you open an umbrella indoors, bad luck will rain on you.
  3. Cut your nails on Friday, cut them for woe.
  4. Bringing a new broom into a new house is for good luck.
  5. Putting your clothes on with your left arm first bad luck will attend you.
  6. Leaving a house by the same door means that you take with you what you brought. Meaning bad energy, death, illness.

Unit-6, 1D
  • My family is a my pride, really proud of my background. Yes, My family have a many interesting stories.
  • My parents met in Arkhangai when they were young, but i don,t know about my grandparents.
  • Yes, I don.t see my younger sister very often. Because she lives in Europe and she comes here once a year.
  • Yes, My family had reunion last year. It was really nice.
  • Yes, I m very close to my older sister, beacause we used to live together when we studied in university.

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