Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Unit 4 -2 grammer
  1. get out of coming, get off work
  2. get through the week
  3. get out of going, get over their shyness
  4. get out of an invitation, get away with it
  5. get through your e-mail, get around to answer
  6. get around to get it
Unit 4
get off - явах, явж эхлэх, ажил дуусах
get out - явах, орхих, хөдлөх
get over - хөл дээрээ зогсох, давж гарах
get  away - явах, зайлах, алга болох
get through -  дуустал хийх, давах 
get on - нас дээр гарах, дэвшил хийх
get back - эргэж ирэх
get along - нийцэх, зохицох
get in - ирэх, бий болох, газардах
get behind - дэмжих, батлан даах
get into - өмсөх
get out of - зайлж чадах, бултах
get away with -  зайлж чадах
get around to - ямар нэг юм хийх цаг олоx
get through to - ойлгуулах
get in on - шахах шаардах, оролцох
get on at - шүүмжлэх

Grammer 2A
  1. supposed to be
  2. supposed to be
  3. were going to
  4. supposed to be
  5. was going to go
  6. i m not supposed to know
  7. supposed to come
  8. were going to see
  9. wasn,t going to do
 3 talk about it WEEKEND FUN
  • The weather supposed to be very nice and sunny
  • The Hunnu mall opening ceremony on saturday that supposed to be fun
  • Yeah, there is a new Mongolian movie supposed to really good
  • Well, my friend supposed to come over and we were going to shopping 
  •  My sister supposed to come and we were going to eat lunch together, but she had to work. Maybe we were going to go out this weekend.
Lesson B-1B
  1. get off
  2. get home
  3. get around
  4. get away
  5. get the feeling
  6. get to know
  7. get over
  8. get it
  9. get used to
  10. get into

Saturday, March 21, 2015

unit 3 vocabulary notebook
1, Look at the cultural facts about different countries. Complete the sentences using the words and expressionsin the box.
  1. bowing
  2. to shake hands
  3. eating
  4. to take off
  5. to hold hands
  6. standing
  7. kissing
  8. walking around barefoot
  9. to show
  10. having an argument, to keep your voice down
  11. to cut in line

Thursday, March 12, 2015

3C - 2A
  1. Do you think living in another country would be exciting?
  2. What would you miss most if you moved to another country?
  3. Would you miss your parents if you were living away from home?
  4. What would you take with you to remind you of home?
  5. Would you try to learn the language before moving to a new country?
  6. How would you keep in touch with everyone?
  1. Definitely, it would be very exciting living in abroad. Especially in high developed countries.
  2. I'd miss my family most and ofcourse my country. Because, my country is very different than another countries.
  3. Yes, ofcourse I'd miss them a lot.
  4. Well, i'd take my family picture and of course camera.
  5. Ofcourse, i have to learn the language at least few monts before. It would be easy to live there if i know the language.
  6. I'd keep in touch with almost everyone in facebook, viber and i'd call them if it's not very expensive.
A2 Grammar

Complete the questions about your country's culture with the simple present passive.
  1. What's the national anthem? When is it sung?
  2. What's your favorite traditional dish? How is it made? What is served with?
  3. What do you think are the most important festivals?When is it celebrated?
  4. Is there a national costume? When is it worn?
  5. What are your national sports? Is it played by both men and women?
  6. Is there any traditional folk music?Where is it played?
  1. The national anthem is called Toriin Duulal, and it's sung at special events
  2. My favorite tradional dish is Horhog, it's made with meat and it's served with vegetebles.
  3. The most important festival is naadam, and it's celebrated in every july.
  4. There is a traditional costume called deel, and it's worn at special traditional events.
  5. Wrestling is our traditional sport, and it's played by only men.
  6. There is a traditional music morin huur, it's played everywhere.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

B2 Grammer
A. Complete these sentences about visiting someone's home with either verb+ing or to+verb.
  1. It's impolite to go to a friend's home for dinner without bringing a gift.
  2. Arriving a little late is acceptable.
  3. It's not a good idea to invite a friend without asking the host.
  4. It's polite to compliment the host's cooking.
  5. If you don't like something your host serves, it's best not saying anything and leave it.
  6. It's customary not to ask for second helpings of food.
  7. Talking with your mouth full is considered rude.
  8. It's acceptable not to finish your food on your plate.
  9. Taking a call on your cell phone during dinner is bad manners.
  10. You can upset your host by not leaving until it's very late.
My story

When i was kid i always wanted to be a famous actress or successful businesswoman.
But somehow i graduated from power engineering school.
Afterthat eventually i understood i had to choose my dream job. Then i had to put my mind to it and it will bring success much easier.

Then i decided to go business management school and spent almost 3 years for that.
That time 1 of my childhood friend lived in london who invited me to visit her. She knew i was interesting going to England and always funcy to live there. As soon as i landed in London i had been looking for a suitable job for a while, then 1 day i found job in nice place called Victoria Grosvenor Casino in heart of London.

One day my colleague told me there is a biggest casting agency called Maddog needs some asian looking artists, so  i remember thinking 'should i bother to apply?' But i decided to go for it even though i didn't expect. Then soon afterthat i had phone call from there asked me to come to register. I was so happy couldn't even believe what i heard. Since then i attended few films and tv commercials during my freetime. I heard that agency doing next James Bond movie called Skyfall, it sounded really nice to me. Because i like kind of spy movies especially James Bond 007. So one day i got text message from agency asked me if i have time for a week as a croupier in Skyfall. As soon as i came to work i asked my manager 2 weeks holiday and he gave me holiday straight away. He was excited too. This was really great experience in my life. I have met many famous people such as, Daniel Craig, Javiar Bardam, Judy Dench, Stella Mccartney and Penelepe Cruz over there. Skyfall had been directed oscar winning director Sam Mendes and released in winter 2012.

One of my other interests is, shopping. Even if it is just window shopping, I find myself always ready for. I guess the process of shopping also involves exploring various articles, in search of finding the perfect article of your choice. This could be a reason, that shopping interests me.

 Since then i had been attended 2 more movies but i had to come back home in spring 2013 caused some family matter.

But now i m happy living in Mongolia and decided to do my master degree in business. I miss living in England, but i can't have both ways, actually i can't imagine living anywhere else now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

unit 2
A2 - A
  1.  No, Older people are'nt interested in fashion as much as young people
  2. No, Older people don't care about their appearance as much as young people
  3. Yes, Men get haircuts as often as women do
  4. No, Men never spend as much money on themselves as women
  5. Well, not really makeover shows are not as interesting as other reality shows on tv
  6. No, when i choose clothes looks aren't important as comfort
  7. Yes i have as many clothes as i would like
  8. Yes, i spend as little time as possible shopping for clothes
Lesson C
2 -A
  1. Now, do you play any musical instruments?
  2. Now, do you have a satellite radio?
  3. Now, do yu listen to music when you are reading or working?
Lesson D
  1. b
  2. a
  3. c
  4. a
  5. c

2 grammer

isn't it neat?/don't you think it's neat
don't you think it's bit boring?
don't you think it fits perfectly?
isn't it bit tight?
don't you like it?
don't you think look around bit more

unit 2- 3B

neon green
dark green
light green



short - sleeved

lesson B-1B
Verbs followed by ing
end up (living)
spend (3 years working)
finish (doing)
planning on (living)
consider (going)
remember (thinking)
start (working)
miss (living)
imagine (living)
Verbs followed by to
happen (to be)
seem(to be)
bother (to apply)
decide (to go)
offer to (transfer)
expect (to get)
agree (to pay)

homework: touchstone 4

unit 1
Grammer: simple and continuous verbs
1. admire, taught, was young
2. have, met, saw, were, waiting
3. did, get, was lifting, call
4. do, do, not working, looking, haven't find
5. have, done, have been working, haven't taking

grammer 2
1. A: studying
    B: to sign up
    A: learning, to pay, to come, taking
2. B: working, filling, doing, to hear, to be, doing

  1. given up smoking
  2. promise to do
  3. put off the meeting
  4. refuse solving problems

D. Read the article again. Are the sentencestrue or false.
  1. false
  2. false
  3. true
  4. false
  5. true
  6. true
Vocabulary notebook

Write down the form(s) of the verbs that can follow the verbs below. Then complete the mottoes. Use the correct form(s) of the verbs given.  
  1. to lend
  2. intend to do, bother starting
  3. doing, to do
  4. trying
  5. taking
  6. seem to be
unit 1D-c
what do these words and expressions from the article mean? Choose a or b.
  1. a
  2. b
  3. a
  4. b
  5. b
  6. a
  7. a
  8. b