Friday, May 1, 2015

Unit 11
  1. Fast - food chains have been forced to change their menus
  2. Internet access is being made available all over
  3. A lot of people have been laid off
  4. We are not been given enough financial support
  1. A lot more organic foods are being sold in supermarkets now, supermarkets had been forced to stock healthy foods
  2. Parts of the city has been totally rebuilt. Lots of new offices and hotels have been put up in the last 5 years, and a lot of older buildings have been knocked down. Parking problems haven`t been solved.
  3. New tracking gadgets for cars are being advertised. GPS technology has been developed.
  1. in order to
  2. in spite of
  3. because of
  1.  Global warming: using energy-saving lighbulbs 
  2.   Air Pollution: Using car-driving car
  3. Drought: using water so much, using so much water
  4. Landfill: losing garbage
  5. Water consumption: washing car by clean water
  6. Natural resource: using gold
  7.  Global warning: burning garbage
  1. in order to, instead of
  2. instead of
  3. even though
  4. because of
  5. so that
  6. because, due to
  7. altough, in order to
  1. and so on
  2. and so forth
  3. and so on
  4. and things like that
  5. and soforth
  6. and things like that
 Vocabulary notebook 
exercise -1
1-e , 2 -f, 3-a, 4-h, 5-b, 6-d, 7-c, 8-g
 exercise - 2
  1. A landfill is a place where losing garbage
  2. Global warming means that the temperature of the Earth become warm
  3. Toxic chemicals are substances that are generally harmful to the environment.
  4. If a product is environment-friendly, that means it doesn`t contaminate rivers and oceans.
  5. if something is biodegradable, it will decompose
  6. Water consumption refers to how much conserve water
  7. A drought is a period of time when water shortages and drought warnings
  8. Air pollution means that air quality ...

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