Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Student lounge

There is a no place to spend free time such as reading, playing, resting and sharing thoughts with others in our school. If there is a unused free space at school students really would like to have a student`s lounge and everyone ready to help in many ways. Students union could handle it and solve this problem.
When we have a student lounge at school  we need conference table and chairs. This enables students and staff to present their project proposals and reports. It also enables those with special academic talents to present their ideas and projects to staff, financiers, and employers. In addition, the conference tables and chairs provide students with a nice arrangement for group discussions.

Also we should have couches, chairs, and white boards.. The couches and chairs enables students read, rest and socialize, while white boards enable students to demonstrate their discussions through writing. As all work but no play makes jack a dull boy, socialization and resting enables students to relax their brains and prepare for their next study sessions.

 In the student lounge, there are plenty of computers available to everyone who wishes to use them. These computers can be used to look up anything needed for class purposes or for homework. The computers can also be used for entertainment if you want to play some games to take your mind off of your busy day ahead. The student lounge offers wireless Internet which can be very important to a lot of students. In today’s technology, most hand held devices are ready for Internet. 

Those who didn’t catch the morning news can get a second chance with the plasma televisions hanging from the ceiling in the lounge. Some other stations are broadcasted like sports channels and educational channels.

  The students who would like a nice cup of coffee or tea can stop by the coffee shop located right in the middle of the student lounge. Students can choose from a vast menu of different mixtures and coffees, snacks and healthy sandwiches to choose from if they need of a quick bite. 
Unit 9 - I was told

1. A friend of mine said that he wasn’t at all materialistic and that he had very few possessions.
2. Someone at work told me that her closets were all full, but she couldn’t stop buying new clothes.
3. My aunt said that she was always throwing things away and that once she had thrown out an antique vase by mistake.
4. My brother told his wife that they were in debt because they had spent too much money on stuff for their apartment.
5. One of my teachers told me that he had a huge collection of comic books that he just didn’t have room for.
6. My neighbors said they would have to have a yard sale to get rid of all the junk that they had been buying at yard sales.

  1. I like to have all the latest gadgets. I want to buy latest gadgets. 
  2.    I live without a credit card. I would have a credit card. 
  3. I’m not very attached to my possessions.
  4. Yes. Once I lost my wallet, then I have got upset.
  5.  No, I always buy things I really need.

Lesson B-3A

1. She asked me what my main source of income was.
2. She asked me whether I was employed full time or a student.
3. She wanted to know what my biggest monthly expense was.
4. She asked me how much I spent on entertainment each month.
5. She wanted to know whether I had taken anything back to a store recently.
6. She asked me if I had a credit card and whether I was interested in applying for one.
I have this friend Justin, who’s very emotional. Like, one minute he’s laughing, and the next minute he’s like totally depressed. Some, little thing happens, and he is like I’m so upset. I guess he’s like too sensitive. Actually, he’s like me. Maybe that’s why we got along. We’ve been friends for like 10 years.

Lesson D--1C
1. stay angry with someone- offended by something you do or say
2. embarrassed about your behavior- ashamed of myself,  been rude to-done something wrong
3. agree- to admit, understand-recognised 
4. felt pain- suffered
5. clear-obvious. How can I correct the injury, I caused you?-What can i do to make it up to you.  
6. say something to upset- apologize,  false-phony

  1. Because that solves the small problem and keeps it from getting bigger.
  2. Because many of us are ashamed or have too much pride.
  3. For a small thing, say you’re sorry right away. For a bigger thing, take the time to sit down, look the person in the eye, and apologize honestly.
  4.  I learned from the article that apologizing is not about who “won” or who “lost”. It’s about keeping a strong friendship.

The top 8 rude things people do
7, 3, 5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 6.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Olivia lost her temper, because he was the fourth caller who had tried to sell her a magazine subscription. She yelled at him for several minutes, and finally hung up on him.
  1. She should have said no and then hung up.
  2. She shouldn’t have yelled at him.
  3. I would have said no politely.
  4. I wouldn’t have lost my temper.

  1. I wouldn’t have sulked. I would have said, I have to do many things, now give me my laptop. Tom should have laughed about it and shouldn’t have sulked.
  2. I wouldn’t have told him I didn’t want to see him again. I would have warned him to say before the last minute. Andrea should have been calm and said, see you later
  3. I wouldn’t have yelled at them. I would have knocked their door and said politely, don’t make too much noise, i cant sleep. Joshua could have said more politely.
  1. He could have talked to his parents politely. He shouldn’t have yelled to his parents. Nathan should have told them it.s not nice.
  2. I would have picked it up and recycled. I wouldn’t have threw it back into the car. She should have said the driver not to throw litter again.
1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10a, 11a, 12a, 13a, 14a, 15a.

I m usually decisive.
I hate aggressive and jealous people.
My main motivation is to be happy and always do i want.
I always try to be a honest with people.
I think flexibility is very important.

noun                                           adjective
aggression                                     aggressive
anger                                             angry
confidence                                    confident
depression                                     depressive
determination                                determined
flexibility                                       flexible
guilt                                               guilty
happiness                                       happy
honesty                                           honest
intelligence                                    intelligent
jealousy                                         jealous
motivation                                     motivated
realism                                           realistic
sadness                                           sad
self-discipline                                 self-disciplined
sensitivity                                       sensitive
shame                                             ashamed
sympathy                                        sympathetic

  1.  have found, have been
  2. not have, have had
  3. have forgotten, have been
  4. haven`t seen, have been
  1.  C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
Unit 7 
Lesson A-1B
1b, 2b, 3a, 4a
  1. Yes, I always get my hair cut professionally. I get it cut once a month.
  2. I never had a friend cut my hair.
  3. I have a car. I get it fixed my brother.
  4. I would get someone to change it for me.
  5. I don’t take a lot of clothes to the dry cleaner’s. Because it’s expensive to get things cleaned.
  6. Yes, I do it myself. I get few times my sister to iron things for me.
  7. I do my own painting at home. I never have it done by professional.
  8. I have once a repairman come to the house to repair things. He repaired our refrigerator.
I get my coats and jackets cleaned at the dry cleaner`s.
I always get my hair cut professionally at a salon.
I have a car, I often  get my car fixed at a garage.
I get my house painted professionally.
  1. need adjusting
  2. needs to be upgraded
  3. needs recharging
  4. need replacing
  5. needs to be changed or tightened
  6. needs cleaning
I think my car needs to be serviced, maybe the brakes need adjusting.
My cell phone battery needs recharging, looks like battery going to dead soon.
My bedroom lightbulb needs changing, it won,t turn on.
  1. microwave
  2. refrigerator
  3. standing light
  4. door handle
  5. pan
  6. CDs
  7. curtain
  8. floor
  9. clock
leak: refrigerator, pen
fall off: curtain, door handle
pan, printer
Lesson C
A: need this screwdriver? Here it is.
B: thanks. Can,t get this shelf
A: Want me to help?
B: Yes, thanks. Are you sure?
A: Yes, ok. Do you need any help?
B: No, thanks. Want same drink?
A: Love one, green tea?
Lesson C-2
  1. Ow
  2. Ooh
  3. Oops
  4. Ouch
  5. Shoot
  6. Uh-oh
Lesson D- 1C
  1. b
  2. d
  3. e
  4. c
  5.   a
  1. Because, person who has problem solving skills deal with all problems in the workplace.
  2. Because, how you answer this question will demonstrate yor problem solving ability.
  3. The good problem solvers have traits are flexibility, open mindedness and tolerance for umbiguity.
  4. Albert Einstein tried to solve problems generating multiple solutions, because he understood that most problems have many possible answers.
  5. To generating multiple solutions you must do think less rigidly, or outside the box. I shouldn,t criticize myself or feel embarrassed by any errors that i make. 


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Vocabulary notebook -Unit-6
Love – dream of a snake, and you’ll find your soul mate; sweeps over an unmarried women’s feet with a broom, she’ll never get married; give a boyfriend or girlfriend a pair of shoes, he or she will leave you.
Money – leave your purse on the floor, your money will disappear; pick up any coins you find, you’ll soon come into money.
Bad luck – see a crow in the morning, you will have a bad day; bride wears pearls, she will cry all her married life.
Good luck – find a tea leaf floating upright; wish will come true if you stand between two people with the same name; put clothes on inside out, you will get a nice surprise.

  1. Finding a ladybug is very goodluck and is a sign of good fortune coming your way.
  2. If you open an umbrella indoors, bad luck will rain on you.
  3. Cut your nails on Friday, cut them for woe.
  4. Bringing a new broom into a new house is for good luck.
  5. Putting your clothes on with your left arm first bad luck will attend you.
  6. Leaving a house by the same door means that you take with you what you brought. Meaning bad energy, death, illness.

Unit-6, 1D
  • My family is a my pride, really proud of my background. Yes, My family have a many interesting stories.
  • My parents met in Arkhangai when they were young, but i don,t know about my grandparents.
  • Yes, I don.t see my younger sister very often. Because she lives in Europe and she comes here once a year.
  • Yes, My family had reunion last year. It was really nice.
  • Yes, I m very close to my older sister, beacause we used to live together when we studied in university.

  1. stronger
  2. stronger
  3. softer
  4. softer
  5. softer
  6. stronger
It,s good luck to;
find a green tea leaf floating upright
finding a ladybug
break a cup or glass
see a funeral 
birds pooh on you
 It,s bad luck to;
 leave your purse on the floor
spilling a salt
sit on the table
put your shoes on the table
wake up on your left leg

  1. Because he hadn,t spoken to anyone in days
  2. Because he had gone on trip by himself
  3. Yes, but they hadn.t seen or spoken to each other in years
  4. He had moved to Spain years ago
  1. hadn.t called, had thrown away, hadn.t been, called, lost, had found
  2. called, left, didn.t know, came, found, had been
  3. decided, had helped, had got, had seen, opened, laughed, had bought
  1. So do i
  2. Neither am i
  3. Neither did i 
  4. So did i
  5. So have i
  6. Neither was i
  1. Frightening
  2. Fascinating
  3. Crazy
  4. Terrible
  5. Scared
  6. Unusual 
Unit 5. Vocabulary notebook
Crime                                   Criminal                                                   Activity
burglary                              burglar                                               breaks into a building to steal
vandalism                             vandal                                               paints on public buildings
murder                                 murderer                                           kills or murders people
shoplifting                           shoplifter                                           steals from stores
Word builder
crime                                    criminal                                                  activity
arson                                     arsonist                                               sets fire consciously
blackmail                             blackmail                                           threats someone
hijacking                             hijacker                                             hocks airplane
mugging                                 mugger                                               robs someone in the street
racketeering                            racketeer                                  takes money from someone illegally
freebooting                             freebooter                                         robs a ship
deseption                                   deseptionist          takes someone’s assets and money by cheating
  1. Something must be done about junk e-mail.
  2.  People ought to be arrested for sending spam. 
  3. Something have to be about all the bus and in subways. 
  4. People shouldn't be allowed to eat food on public transportation. 
  5. People ought to be fined for making noise after midnight. 
  6. People shouldn't  be  allowed to buy fireworks. 
  7. All movies shouldn't be banned with violent scenes.
  8.  People could  encouraged to stop smoking if there were more anti-smoking laws.
  9.  Smoking could easily be banned in all public place nobody would complain.  
  10. Children shouldn't be allowed  to quit school until they are 18.
1. What's the right penalty foe jaywalking?                                                 -8
2.Should be arrest drivers who get caught speeding?                                 -7
3.What should  happen if you get caught shoplifting from a store?            -1
4.How should vandals be punished?                                                           -5
5.What  punishment  should you get for robbing someone?                      -3
6.What should you happen to someone who is convicted of burglary?     -6   
7.What kind of sentence should you get for kidnapping?                          -4
8.Should all murderers be sentenced to life in prison?                             -2

1.shoplifting             2.shoplifter 
 1.jaywalking            2.jaywalker
1.vandalism              2.vandal
1.robbery                 2.robber 
3.burglary               3.burglar
1.kidnapping           2.kidnapper
1.murder                 2.murderer

1.People who commit murder usually get sentenced  to life in prison.
2.If you get caught shoplifting , you usually get gone to jail.
3.If a person commits burglary for the first time, he or she gets  put on probation.
1. be punished, be sentenced
2. get caught, be videotaped
 3. get stopped, be enforced
4. get caught, dont get sent
5. get caught, get arrested,  not get convicted
6. be given, get  put